This short documentary (30 minutes) explores one family’s changing sense of Jewish identity over five generations. The film centers around a gathering of the extended families of the filmmakers, who only recently discovered their familial link through their great-grandparents, early 20th-century immigrants Judith and Machman Chasanoff. Created with Debra Chasnoff.

Code of the Freaks (2020)

This feature-length movie about movies is a darkly humorous critique of Hollywood representations of disability, told from the perspectives of disabled artists, writers, and cultural critics.

In collaboration with Susan Nussbaum, Carrie Sandahl, Aly Patsavas, and Jerzy Rose. 

Brink of Survival (2013)

This feature-length documentary was shot on location in rural Malawi. The film takes viewers inside a tiny hospital that struggles to serve 120,000 people, all nearly free of charge, with just one doctor.

Created with Martha Sommers, Jerzy Rose, Jesse Wheeler, and Andrea Bunch. 

Crimes Against Humanity (2013)

I executive produced and played a cameo role in this feature film, described by director Jerzy Rose as “a nihilistic romp through gossipy academic parties, boozy-stake outs and surreal bedtime stories.”

Tanaman Dul (2012)

Three music videos, shot during Tanaman Dul's 2012 U.S. tour, show how this theatrical band from Brazil incorporates Brazilian stylings to inflect its performance of Irish drinking songs.

Featuring Jesse Wheeler, Marilia Carvalho, Gaje Mansfield, Makoto Yamamoto, and Diogo Vanelli.

Videos produced with Jerzy Rose.

Cruddy (2012)

I adapted the script for this short film from the opening pages of Lynda Barry's dark, funny, harrowing tour de force novel by the same name. 

Featuring Tory Baxter, Rachel Rozycki, and Neka Barrera. Produced with Jerzy Rose. 

When Brad Met Sally (2009)

I made this short film to turn our wedding into a performance as a way of dealing with the embarrassment of a private event becoming a public spectacle. We invited friends and family to “just a backyard party” and surprised them. 

Featuring Brad Newton and me. Produced with Madsen Minax.

Turning a Corner (2006)

Created in a workshop with Prostitution Alternatives Round Table, this feature-length documentary tells the stories of a group of women involved in the sex trade and their efforts to raise awareness of systemic injustice and widespread violence. Told on the streets of Chicago where the women once worked.

With Beyondmedia Education.

Click here to view full documentary free on Vimeo.

Beyond Beijing (1996)

This feature documentary captures the largest meeting of women in world history, the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, held outside of Beijing in Huairou, China, in 1995. 

Edited with Beth Berolzheimer and Dalida Maria Benfield.

Click here to view full one-hour documentary free on Vimeo.